Release dates


For people who want to stay on top of everything.
It does the UK, US, Japan, and Australia.

Release dates

"Note that these are tentative release dates and are subject to change. Since release dates change on an almost daily basis, be sure to call your local retailer to make sure the game you're looking for is available"

Hope it helps :big_boss:


New Member
Er...never trust IGN.

Seriously, lock - IGN's release dates never help.

Since when was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers dated for September?

And the UK's rip-off treatment doesn't let Mario Galaxy come out this month. It's not out in Japan till October for crying out loud!


Squiddy said:
Er...never trust IGN.

Seriously, lock - IGN's release dates never help.

Since when was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers dated for September?

And the UK's rip-off treatment doesn't let Mario Galaxy come out this month. It's not out in Japan till October for crying out loud!

Lol. We'll have to see. Only time will tell.

Gameplay say 29 September 2007
Amazon say 30 October 2007

But I did state they are subject to change. Dont shoot the messenger :mega_shok: lol


New Member
jesta said:
Squiddy said:
Er...never trust IGN.

Seriously, lock - IGN's release dates never help.

Since when was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers dated for September?

And the UK's rip-off treatment doesn't let Mario Galaxy come out this month. It's not out in Japan till October for crying out loud!

Lol. We'll have to see. Only time will tell.

Gameplay say 29 September 2007
Amazon say 30 October 2007

But I did state they are subject to change. Dont shoot the messenger :mega_shok: lol

You American by any chance?
Oh, yeah, USA gamers use IGN. ¬_¬
If you were a real gamer you'd know that Amazon and Gameplay make up dates to get more pre-orders. It ain't a date, till Nintendo make a date. ;)

Unless you're being optimistic, Galaxy is not out here until Q4 2007, which realistically means that the UK won't see it till December - or even January.

I know that most of Wii Pros members are quite gullible but an undeservingly award-winning site won't fool me.


The site will update itself as time goes on.
I'm just glad there is a site with a list of games with release dates.

But thanks for the ING tip.


New Member
Squiddy said:
Er...never trust IGN.

Seriously, lock - IGN's release dates never help.

Since when was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers dated for September?

And the UK's rip-off treatment doesn't let Mario Galaxy come out this month. It's not out in Japan till October for crying out loud!

i think ign is rly good, it may not give out exact dates, but gives a good estimate


New Member
Gdog said:
Squiddy said:
Er...never trust IGN.

Seriously, lock - IGN's release dates never help.

Since when was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers dated for September?

And the UK's rip-off treatment doesn't let Mario Galaxy come out this month. It's not out in Japan till October for crying out loud!

i think ign is rly good, it may not give out exact dates, but gives a good estimate

Maybe for you Americans, but I can they suck in the UK because of their biased reviews, crappy Matt Cassamina who just spreads rumours and their pompous attitude.


New Member
I am not really sure wether its good or bad but what i´ve heard, other then this thread, its bad. For us europeans anyway