Rate the Double Barrel (Also, Double Barrel appreciation topic)


New Member
People say the Double Barrel is the worst shotgun of them all, but not without its reasons, mainly, the gun can only shoot twice before reloading which most of the time will be your main cause of death with this bad boy, secondly, its range is very limited, even for a shotgun, you have to be at quite some steps from the enemy, or else it won't be a One-hit kill.

Aside from that, if played in the correct hands, you can be intimidating at close range ambushes. Most of the time, the enemy will be forced to retreat a couple steps in fear of its stopping power, add that to their mentally dented previous deaths experienced by this monster, you'll be deemd either a Double Barrel beast, or a Double Barrel noob which is pretty much the same (I got called the latter today and took it as a compliment)

The Double BArrel has also another special funtion, with the right clic, it fire both shots at the same time for a total of 10 bullets, some people prefer firing all ammo, other prefer firing single shots (since it can also one-shot kill), personally, I fire both of them, why? Because the bullet spread makes it more possible to hit the target, but that's just me.

The Double Barrel is bascially a Hit-n-run gun, you suddenly get at people's faces and shoot before they can react and run, it's also an excellent camping gun. Grave Digger is one of the few maps this thing can shine in since most areas are CQB Firezones and has lots of corners for you to appear to their faces, shoot, and hide again.

Now, you're not going to kill them everytime you fire, more often than not, you'll be seen reloading while the enemy is having his revenge with his rifle, sometimes you won't have a wall to take cover. That's why I suggest equipping yourself with a backup gun that's fast to whip out, the Uzi, Mac-10, and the Skorpion come to mind, with those, you'll actually have a chance of dealing the final bullet before they do it to you. The bad part is that with those guns you'll have a hard time with long distance battles, so you'll be forced to play CQB maps like Grave Digger.

I rate this beast a 9/10. In 1 on 1 duels, no other gun can outbest it.


Active Member
I dont really like the double barrel only because there is many other guns that do by far better. the only good thing I see about it compared to other shotguns is that it can fire two rounds at once, but its not a absolute kill, where as something like the spaz-12 can be one shot, but then also has like 6 other shots that can be quickly fired to kill, incase the first misses or only damages them. I also dont like shotguns really for CQB even, I rather have an SMG like the MP7 which will take down a double barrel in the right hands any day.


New Member
Our clan sometimes uses odd or overlooked weapons in warm-up scrims, just for fun, on our practice nights.

Playing CTF with dbl barrels only is great fun if you've never tried it. Everybody is on an equal footing, and things get interesting quick. :LOL:


Active Member
Our clan sometimes uses odd or overlooked weapons in warm-up scrims, just for fun, on our practice nights.

Playing CTF with dbl barrels only is great fun if you've never tried it. Everybody is on an equal footing, and things get interesting quick. :LOL:

Oh, no doubt about that, but I would never use it in a real game, it might be a fun gun to use, but I think killing with any other gun is just as fun if not more because I have a higher rate of surival.