Need help with having creep levels in 1 trig for td!!!


New Member
ok so if anyone can help it would be nice....
heres what i got right now

RedCreepSpawn1 0
Time - Elapsed game time is 10.00 seconds
(Player 1 (Red) slot status) Equal to Is playing
For each (Integer Level[1]) from 1 to 20, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Create 1 (1) Crab for Player 11 (Dark Green) at (Center of RedStart1 <gen>) facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
Wait 0.50 seconds

-Now right at the moment this is a trigger all by itself, obviously... anyways i was wondering for example when all crabs have reaced a certain region i can for example spawn level 2 like this, but in the same trigger. I know how to do it as a seperate trigger but i dont want 1000 triggers. So if anyone could give an example of how to spawn one level then the next up to how many you want in 1 trigger.

Thanks Deso.
err you see I have a wave map with 10 triigers for 10 waves it goes like this

time = 100
unit create 20 units for plyer 2

and then event for wave 2 is
player 2 foos used = 0
triigeer run wave 2 bla bla


New Member
Make it a if/then/else and have it so it has a variable (forgot which kind, dont bother to tjeck) that after certain amount of time changes its value and just have the if/then/else so if value=1 spawn level 1, then when level 2 should begin change the value to 2 and run the trigger again tjecking the if/en/else conditions. This would require 2 triggers for spawn instead of 1 for each level.


New Member
Ive had to deal with the 1000 trigger problem. Right now my map takes 5 min to load and I hav a damn fast PC. This is my advise : you cant really put an event under actions. However try this . . .

Make a trigger that sets variables when a creep enters the region you want. Dont have any events in the spawn trigger, jsut use variables for unit types and then when the region trigger is triggered, make it run the Spawning trigger adn set a integer variable(I suggest this variables refers to the the wave number/level) to <variable name> +1.
This should work fine. Although to prevent the trigger being run over and over in a period use booleans.
There are 2 ways :
1) Use to inactive triggers that wait and run each other (For eg, trig1 waits x time then runs trig2 . . .trig2 waits x time and the runs trig1, and therefore a loop. This can be used for selective intervals when booleans are added or when the waiting time differs.)

2)Set a boolean in the spawn trigger to false then when the region trigger is trigger make it true, add a condition in the region trigger that checks the boolean for false. If this is done smartly and right, you should get the exact result.

Using booleans/waits or selective intervals is by far better (like 100x better) as using time - periodic event really slows down gameplay and increases loading time.

Hint : try making an RPG or AOS 1st to get the hang of things.
Hey to make it easier to tell what is the trigger and what is not use the [code ] [/code ] tags (without the space)

So it looks like:
RedCreepSpawn1 0
Time - Elapsed game time is 10.00 seconds
(Player 1 (Red) slot status) Equal to Is playing
For each (Integer Level[1]) from 1 to 20, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Create 1 (1) Crab for Player 11 (Dark Green) at (Center of RedStart1 <gen>) facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
Wait 0.50 seconds