MW3 must have guns!

Super Six 4

If i'm shooting you point blank with a gun and you are attacking me with a knife... who should win...

COD is unrealistic in this aspect... CA actually got this right... if your trying to knife me and I start shooting you at point blank, you die from gun fire,,,, not a knife attack from 5 feet away while getting pumped full of lead...

true, but that's why you use throwing knives lol:thumbup:


Active Member
there you go again, no game is good enough-just enjoy the raw action of the game-maybe you'll actually have fun.

No games are good enough, such as BF2, they did something never done before. COD4 did something never done before by fallowing characters and making a great storyline with even better maps, I was expecting more from MW2 but its not anywhere near. I expect that when a company releases a second game that it will be better than the first and when its not its a let down. Its like releasing a second version of Toyota's cars/trucks after knowing about the gas pedal problem but not fixing it. They should have looked back at the first one and thought about what could they have impoved, like setting it more in the future is a good one, keeping some characters, but thats all they kept, and they didnt improve anything but the guns, which really wasnt an improvement, it added guns and extras to add on the guns to make some combinations over powered than others which every noob in the game just ran around with. Its the the M32 in CA, anyone can be good with it, which is why its nooby, MW2 has several M32's. Its just not nearly as good as the first which is why its a let down because whats the point of having a second one if its not as good. I get the action is good, but even still, it needs work.

Super Six 4


No games are good enough, such as BF2, they did something never done before. COD4 did something never done before by fallowing characters and making a great storyline with even better maps, I was expecting more from MW2 but its not anywhere near. I expect that when a company releases a second game that it will be better than the first and when its not its a let down. Its like releasing a second version of Toyota's cars/trucks after knowing about the gas pedal problem but not fixing it. They should have looked back at the first one and thought about what could they have impoved, like setting it more in the future is a good one, keeping some characters, but thats all they kept, and they didnt improve anything but the guns, which really wasnt an improvement, it added guns and extras to add on the guns to make some combinations over powered than others which every noob in the game just ran around with. Its the the M32 in CA, anyone can be good with it, which is why its nooby, MW2 has several M32's. Its just not nearly as good as the first which is why its a let down because whats the point of having a second one if its not as good. I get the action is good, but even still, it needs work. know that like at my school-pretty much every boy in MY class has the game and love it-and in my entire SCHOOL-A LOT of boys have it-and probably 1 in like 42 doesn't like it (random # but you get the idea)-and if you were to walk down the street and ask every boy you saw 2 questions: do they have it and do they like it-it would probably be a VERY low percentage that doesn't like it.


Active Member know that like at my school-pretty much every boy in MY class has the game and love it-and in my entire SCHOOL-A LOT of boys have it-and probably 1 in like 42 doesn't like it (random # but you get the idea)-and if you were to walk down the street and ask every boy you saw 2 questions: do they have it and do they like it-it would probably be a VERY low percentage that doesn't like it.

My school isnt big, but there is a decent size group of hard core gamers that really hate it. I'm included. The average gamer sadly doesnt know what to expect, they take the game for what is it instead of what it could be. Comparing the greatness from COD4 to MW2, its a complete let down. Any game can have action and adventure but thats what seperates a great Star Wars movie from an animated move such as Wall-E. They both have adventure and a bit of action, but its the basic concept. MW2 would be a good game if they wouldnt have set the bar so high with COD4. Its like there was no impovement from the first to the second, acctually its worst. They tried to do new stuff like riot shields and heart beat sensors, but its just epic failure. I dont mean to say your class doesnt have hardcore gamers, its just that people need to step back and look at the first and second one since they are a series instead of only looking at the second, because the first was much better at the time of its release.

Super Six 4


My school isnt big, but there is a decent size group of hard core gamers that really hate it. I'm included. The average gamer sadly doesnt know what to expect, they take the game for what is it instead of what it could be. Comparing the greatness from COD4 to MW2, its a complete let down. Any game can have action and adventure but thats what seperates a great Star Wars movie from an animated move such as Wall-E. They both have adventure and a bit of action, but its the basic concept. MW2 would be a good game if they wouldnt have set the bar so high with COD4. Its like there was no impovement from the first to the second, acctually its worst. They tried to do new stuff like riot shields and heart beat sensors, but its just epic failure. I dont mean to say your class doesnt have hardcore gamers, its just that people need to step back and look at the first and second one since they are a series instead of only looking at the second, because the first was much better at the time of its release.

I know you don't mean that we don't have hardcore gamers-I'm friends with most of them. I kinda see what you're saying, but it also helps to look at something for what it is-everything has it's pros and cons.
one gun we definetly want to keep is the acr great gun great sight great accuracy i mean the gun is freakin beast the more u can add to that gun is freakin akimbo i mean cmon acr akimbo ohhh yeah thats awsome.:thumbup:


New Member
AK47, UMP45, Intervention (or any bolt action) M16, M4, Famas and Ranger. To be honest, all guns from MW2, MW and add many new :D


I think they should keep the mp5 (whatever version they want) skorpion, mini uzi, ak74, m249 saw, RPD, M40A3, R700, M21, Dragunov, WA2000, Intervention, Barret 50. cal, Intervention, M16A4, AK47, G3, G36C, Fal, M4 Carbine, M14, MP44, P90, W1200, M1014, Spaz 12, AA-12, Striker, Ranger, M9, USP .45, M1911 .45, Desert Eagle, Famas, Scar-H, TAR-21, ACR, F2000, UMP45, Vector, L86 LSW, MG4, AUG HBAR, Riot Shield, M93 Raffica, PP2000, G18, TMP, .44 Magnum, STINGER, Javelin, RPG-7

Basically every gun from cod4 and mw2

Super Six 4

Russkis still using non Russian weapons eh? Anyways my thoughts on those confirmed guns:

I like the MP5 being of a more solid design-a more SMG version. I wonder if they'll still keep accuracy down to MP5K level, or make it better due to the stock.

Interesting change from the SCAR-Heavy to the SCAR-Light. Wonder if they'll change anything with it.

Cool introduction of the SASS. However I'd like to see it compared to the M14.

I like the looks of the P99, and while it might not be the most practical new gun, I hope it works well enough.

AK47 looks pretty cool-nice to see that they put in a modern version of it-in MW2 they were still slightly older.

I hope the Striker is actually usable beyond 6 feet.

God help us all from using the FMG.



New Member
Russkis still using non Russian weapons eh? Anyways my thoughts on those confirmed guns:

I like the MP5 being of a more solid design-a more SMG version. I wonder if they'll still keep accuracy down to MP5K level, or make it better due to the stock.

Interesting change from the SCAR-Heavy to the SCAR-Light. Wonder if they'll change anything with it.

Cool introduction of the SASS. However I'd like to see it compared to the M14.

I like the looks of the P99, and while it might not be the most practical new gun, I hope it works well enough.

AK47 looks pretty cool-nice to see that they put in a modern version of it-in MW2 they were still slightly older.

I hope the Striker is actually usable beyond 6 feet.

God help us all from using the FMG.
Haha, I agree with all your points there.
I hope the Mp5 accuracy is kind of bad like in MW2, it made the gun fun to use.
Scar-L will probably just make you run faster than with the Scar-H. Love the AK47, glad to see it's back.
And I agree, the Striker's range was terrible in MW2! :p