Modern War Field Tactics


New Member
Ok I've come up with some new concept for the game, I've been pondering what I should do with different unit types, but now I thought of different effects other than damage that could happen when you get shot. So I was going to develop a system where your unit either bleeds, gets stunned or flinchs(short stun) whenever the unit gets shot and its given me a real use to add a medic class unit to the game. Now you'll have to manuever a medic if you want your army to be at full strength.

And as for the "what to talk about" posts, I didn't want you to feel obligated to post something if you couldn't think of something to say. I guess I was expecting mainly questions that I could answer but also to explain what I meant above by maybe posting about things you might like as ideas for the game(I said "what they would like to see") Possibly you could talk about possible unit types(Medic, Sniper ect.) I actually think I have a pretty good idea of what unit types I'm going to add but it wouldn't hurt to say something(ONLY if you want to and you can actually think of something, by no means am I even trying to say I want more unit type ideas. All I'm saying is, if you have an idea that you feel is worth posting, I'll take the time to read it and consider it. you're by no means obligated to post. but at the same time, thanks for the posts guys). But you don't have to waste any time thinking of it, just if you have one on the top of your head.

So basically I was expecting either questions or ideas on the game, such as the bleed/stun/flinch system I have above, if we pretend that one of you thought of it instead of me and posted it, that would be the type of post I would read and consider(I mean I can think of things on my own, but if you want to post something you don't have to be part of the project if you have an idea you'd like to share) and ofcourse critisism, hopefully constructive, if you don't think something about the game is a good idea then tell me why. And jessica, I don't really expect to have the same taste in video games as a 14 year old girl, but I won't discard your opinion just because of it, so would you mind telling me why you think its not a good idea?


New Member
Heh, well, the only problem I could see with the stun/flinch thing is that (in theory, no idea how you are implementing it) with an SMG or something you could perma stun someone to death. True, in real life it would just pump someone full of lead to death, but this is wc3 so... it needs to be... "balanced."

Um... same issue, just reverse is that sniper wouldnt do much under that system in theory. I'm guessing you would keep sniper long range high single shot damage long cooldown (not too long, of course), which means that it wouldnt have a big chance of doing these things.


New Member
There's a possibility of a one shot kill anyways, but one thing you might not be thinking of is cover, if a unit is behind cover the smg is going to be missing alot and hitting the cover instead. so yeah an smg would permastun someone to death if they had no cover. A long stun would help a sniper alot because it would be a free second shot. but the bleeding for the sniper will really help because it will help them become one shot killers from long range.


New Member
Those new concepts are nice...and if you want it goes.
1. Have stations that you can reload with cover. However, the station is neutral so you also take a big risk of meeting an enemy person there.
2. Maybe you could somehow get the units to "duck"...
3. Don't forget bunkers. Hill are nice, but bunkers rule :p


New Member
And duck would do...?

Make the units size smaller? Make them have more dodge? Lower the chance of getting headshot'd, crit'd, bash'd, etc'd?


New Member
When you say duck do you mean crouch??? because I already have a prone stance which is like a duck, which makes your unit smaller and able to hide behind shorter cover.

Make the units size smaller? Make them have more dodge? Lower the chance of getting headshot'd, crit'd, bash'd, etc'd?[/b]

Yeah it could make them half the size if they were crouching, but I would need an animator for it undead_lives. I know steem was asking you but to answer his question, you can't dodge bullets first off, if you were crouching behind cover all that would be showing would be your head, so if you got hit, it would be more likely to hit you in the head and I have the Adverse effects that happen in the game on a if you got hit basis, so even though crouching would make the terrain more lilely to be in the direct path of the bullets flying at you, I will give equal chance to get an adverse effect every time you get hit.

And just as a question, you all understood that I literally meant that terrain would get in the way right? that I actually have a function that checks the terrain height of 2 units would determine the slope between these 2 units and will then check the terrain height every 10 Units* to see if the bullets height according to the slope would be above the terrain height of that location, there for literally meaning that the terrian would get in the way. I didn't ask if you knew all the details, but was wondering if you already knew the basic idea, because I couldn't tell if you knew or if you thought it was through a manner of hit miss chances and the sort.


New Member
Eh, by dodge I ment evasion, and by evasion I mean the shooter's chance to miss. But, it sounds like you have it figured out already anyway. :infernal:


New Member
Ya I realize that your terrain makes bullets dodgable. However, what I was intending to do was to make the shooter not only stealth, but also completely protected. Not even the head would be showing.


New Member
Well that all depends on the height of the terrain that you are hiding behind, sure if you duck you wouldn't even have a head showing if the terrain was high enough, what I was wondering is how literal do you think i mean it when I say that terrain blocks bullets? lets be clear, none of my units have an evasion ability or any other evasion type abilities. The checker doesn't see if there is a possibility of terrain and give them a miss chance, the bullet either hits or it doesn't depending on if terrain is in the way. Looks like you were right, i do need screenshots because Im not sure how well you understand what I mean. I'll be working on a few of those.


New Member
For a duck that just made the unit smaller you could:

a) Give all units hover, and duck lowers them into the ground a little.


B) Make custom models for every unit that have a duck animation.