mmorpg's for the wii's internet browser


New Member
i think someone should make a game only for the wiis internet browser kinda like runescape but better like swinging the wiimote round to do swordfighting and stuff like that it would be fun


New Member
Like I said in your World of Warcraft will never happen because of the way Nintendo are with Friend codes.


New Member
Ryano said:
Like I said in your World of Warcraft will never happen because of the way Nintendo are with Friend codes.

He wasn't talking about proper Online games on Wii - he was talking about whether someone should make something like RuneScape on the Internet Browser.

Also, IMO, Rune and WoW suck - they suck your life bit by bit. ¬_¬


New Member
dont think anyone whould fo this because:
1: first you need to get a team, with 1 person doing it, it whould take MAAAAANY years!
2: everybody in that team needs to be very skilled porgrammers
3: They whould probably not do it for free, just so we can have more fun om our wii's...

Correct me if im wrong?


New Member
runescape r for nerds and is stuipd but u can play demos on the wii sometimes on the offical game website of some games if that is wht u looking for


New Member
im not a fan of MMORPGS as i dont like paying for a game i bought (likemost MMORPGs like WOW) but if one came out on the wii id be happy if it were free