Life it too short...



New Member
You are a cool guy fiero; it was a pleasure playing side-by-side with you. I couldn't agree more with you on the fact that everything can be accounted for in life except time. I am sure you will spend your time wisely. Good luck to you my friend and always GG <3 .


New Member
im sorry for your loss man. i have yet to expience a death in my family so i cant really say i know how you feel. but as they say with life comes death. she id definately in a better place and one day you two will be together again. until then pray and remember the good times you and your nan had. hope to at least see you around on the forums. goodluck man.


New Member
You have my deepest sympathies mate. I know and share in your time of pain and grief, for I have been in your shoes before. Just drop in from time to time here in the forums, for you are definately in my cool list bro!

"May you have fair winds and following seas in all that you endeavour to accomplish in this life."


New Member
anything that begins, anything, must end. this is the nature of all things. breathing in, breathing out. taking into the self, letting it leave from the self.

death is the nature of things. passing on is the nature of things.

but i hear ya on the cs deal, and i wish you the best.

rock out with ya bad self. and don't let anyone tell you no. kick it in the teeth til it loves you.


New Member
I know my post when my gram died said i was done, but I find i have alot of time on my hands now that i dont have to take care of her. She would want me to be happy, and damn it, Punx makes me happy.

Welcome back Nick!!!

Glad to see you!!!
Just reading this now and im sorry to hear your loss....I'ts never easy.
As far as everything else goes never stop doing what makes you happy,who says that anything is a waste of time? But it seems you've figured that out allready.