leavin the wii on standby


New Member
will doing that do anything to the wii cuz i never turn it off properly so will it like burn out my wii and set it on fire so my house burns down and i die???


New Member
kevmaster said:
Whats stanby? is that where you keep wiiconnect24 on?

*slaps himself* Is when you leave your wii whit the red light on

And by the topic question No I used to worry about the same thing but no It doesn't happen anything


New Member
Theherolink_1 said:
kevmaster said:
Whats stanby? is that where you keep wiiconnect24 on?

*slaps himself* Is when you leave your wii whit the red light on

And by the topic question No I used to worry about the same thing but no It doesn't happen anything

Doesn't the WII "phone home" now and then and check for updates
etc. while in standby (orange not red LED BTW)


New Member
Jailbreak said:
or save even more power by just turning it off at tha wall. :)

Unless you are in a situation where you are feeling way too lazy to turn everything off at the wall, then I tend to agree with Jailbreak on this one.

I will accept laziness as an excuse, as I myself am about 3 seconds away from snoozing on my keyboard.
:blink:Hang on, I just remembered, I have to go and turn my wii off !:tongue_smilie:
See you later guys.


New Member
ironmaiden6669 said:
If you're in 'orange' mode, your wii may get hot.:cursing:
standard 'red' standby mode is ok.

Didn't know that, thanks!
How do you get to the 'red' mode?
Must I switch of connect24?


New Member
krossa said:
ironmaiden6669 said:
If you're in 'orange' mode, your wii may get hot.:cursing:
standard 'red' standby mode is ok.

Didn't know that, thanks!
How do you get to the 'red' mode?
Must I switch of connect24?

if you just hold down the button for a little bit it switches from green to orange, but if you hold it down longer, it switches from orange to red. I once made the mistake of leaving a wii on "orange" mode overnight, and in the morning, it was really hot, but it didn't damage the wii at all.


New Member
Stanby means WiiConnect24 is on. And the light will be yellowish/orange. Your Wii cannot be harmed by the WiiConnect24. If you have a faulty heatsink, your GPU will fry eventually, whether you leave the system on Standby or not.

If the light on your Wii is Red, that means it's completely off.