"Considering that most light gun games for the Wii already have some sort of on-screen crosshair to indicate where your remote is pointed, there aren't many reasons why you'd want to buy this laser-sight-equipped pistol shell.
Sure, you could scare the bejeezus out of the federal agents inconspicuously parked across the street, or maybe act out that scene from the "Dre Day" music video, but after a few minutes of tomfoolery, you'll start to feel a bit foolish about your purchase. In addition to forking over $8.39 to order the item, you'll also have to pay for shipping, handling, and the two AAA batteries needed to power the red beam.
The Wii logo on the packaging's bottom-left corner is fantastic, even more ridiculous than the Wü branding we've seen on other China-manufactured accessories. The customer reviews on Superufo's product page are likewise hilarious: "Good! And worth buying it! I have bought one more than two years and it still work well, I am very glad with this." Two years? Not bloody likely!"-Link