Isn't he cute?

My 6 year old son wanted highlights last spring, I got the extra bleach we didn't use on his head, it looked tight when I had the sides shaved bald every day, but it got old after a couple weeks. Back to my high and tight long on top these days.

but shit, ain't I CUTE? thats why we are all here on this thread aint it?


New Member
You silly, silly canadian. If only these boards could be preserved and you could look upon them in years to come, when you mature, so you could fully see how truly stupid you look to the rest of us. Oh, well. I guess that's a joy we shall solely enjoy.

request denide

oh and btw root what does me being canadian have anything to do with anything here?


New Member
i think its about insulting dads outward apearence...
but lets see a pic of you root. you insult dads looks without showing what you look like and you have no clue what i look like so what happens if your and old ugly shriveld man or if your a zit riddled loner in middle school with way to much time on your hands
r00tw0rm said:
You silly, silly canadian. If only these boards could be preserved and you could look upon them in years to come, when you mature, so you could fully see how truly stupid you look to the rest of us. Oh, well. I guess that's a joy we shall solely enjoy.*/

you silly (where ever the fuck you come from) they do archive these.

check it out, try any web site, go back and look at what ebay looked like its 1st year.

Edited and added:

the only thing I wish for you r00tworm, is that some day you can look back at how you treated other people, and used the anominity of the internet as a pulput to attack and degrade others rather than make usefull posts without the sarcasim and taint of your ego.I feel sory for you, in that your parents failed to teach you the value of humility, your gift and insight is somthing other than a tool for ego masturbation, too bad you are so nieve you can't see your own worth. When you grow up you will do great things brother.

untill then, your still as useless as tits on a mule for most of us.

Its sad you atempted to "goad" me by posting my image online, you asumed I would be embarised, or ofended that people know what I look like, hmm wrong again brother. Also, I know I am not gay, I know I don't enjoy gay porn, I have been to "gay bars" and have known "gay people" but at no time did I bust out a stiffy or get excited about shanking some dude in the ass, so I always asumed I was straight. With 4 healthy children you might evan call me a breeder (to use terms you understand) I did not "make" my wife go back to work. We planed on her finishing her degree and being the "bread winner" for 5 years, made a plan for her to finish her degree, and followed through as we could aford her tuition.

Speaking of Cute? Thats what you made this thread about, so stop hijacking it away just because you didn't get the reaction you wanted.

I am just flattered someone called me cute =)


New Member
Geeez if clothed pictures of daddy give him this much of a rise, imagine where this thread would be if it were naked pictures. Root, I think you might be a homosapien.
Puppet said:
Geeez if clothed pictures of daddy give him this much of a rise, imagine where this thread would be if it were naked pictures. Root, I think you might be a homosapien.

Chuckle :p

I think small children, pun intended, would point and laugh at him.

thankfully we have no other small children here, since you seem to be the only one pointing and laughing, I thank you for your open admission.


It'd be in your best interest for me to be younger than I really am, I'm sure. Too bad that's not the case. I'm 29 years old, and have been since last November. Sorry to disappoint you.


New Member

daddy my kids laughed at the pic cause they thought ur hair was cool....

R00tw0rm, god forbid you have any children but in case there is no god they have my sympathy for there pathetic excuse of a father.



Re: ...

DigitalSword said:
R00tw0rm, god forbid you have any children but in case there is no god they have my sympathy for there pathetic excuse of a father.
I don't plan on having kids, for fear of them turning out like you.


At this point, my snakes aren't old enough, or big enough, to eat my cats. Not even close. One day, however, my Columbian Red Tail Boa will be able to pretty easily swallow my cats, whole. Once he reaches 12 feet and is as big around as, say, my leg.

But as it stands right now, my cats would pwn the snakes.
Re: ...

r00tw0rm said:
I don't plan on having kids, for fear of them turning out like you.

The only thing you just pointed out is that you have no confidance in your own abilities brother.

You just told us that you consider yourself unable to do the job of a father and raise his children so you wont evan try. Truly pathectic. Do you treat all of lifes chalenges the same? You asume you will fail so you never try.

But I thank God you have enough sense not to breed. I said before, you are a smart person.

Your not man enough to be a daddy r00tw0rm, but we already figured that out before you threw in the cement.

anyhow, Damn Ain't I cute?

Digi: I wish I had pics of the diferent hair colors from highschool, pink, blue, black, orange, white, green spots. I had alot of fun with hair peroxide, hair bleach and koolaid packets when I was younger. the few I do have my kids lol at them too :D I was such a goober(hmm still am I guess, that last blond was spring '04). For Haloween one year my older brother borrowed my coat ( patches, buttons and fur on the sleve I got from amvets) and makeup and went out as me. If that gieves you an idea how silly I used to look.

speaking of my lost youth, my 12th anual 21st b-day is next week. I thought 21 was a good age to hang with since you don't get many age related perks between legal drinking, and medicare diapers.