Help Thread


New Member
i made this thread so you if you got any problems or w/e post it in here. This will prevent usless topic creation spam, like 3 threads about same thing, evryone can get help here or post something usfeull if you want do with this thread w/e u want but i think it would be even a BIT usefull


New Member
Maybe arrange it in something like 1 post - question and answers


Fladian: How do you make heroes go above lvl 10?

Jacek:Go to Gameplay Constants, and look there is somewhere
Ghost27:It is called Max Hero level

maybe something like that?
I agree from now on only Questions and answers will remain in this thread. All others will be deleted, as to serve its purpose.
EDIT: When more qustions apprear, ghost, can you update your post? So that all answered question are in the first post so that you don't have to search this topic. If you don't I might have to..or make my own post :p


New Member
Ok i am making a maze map as a time killer and theres over 10000 regions in it where the unit dies so i was wondering if theres a way to make it so that a unit enters a region not equal to (the regions that revive your hero) as the event? (sorry i dont know anything about jass so its all complicated)


New Member
I know this thread is really old, but I don't want to waste space making a new thread.

So y'know how in Wc3: TFT, for the bonus orc campaign, you can go to different maps, and when you return to one you've been to before, any changes you might have made in it are still there, such as items in that cache in Orgrimmar, or the quests, or where Rexxar is when you return to the main region? How the crap do you do that? Does it involve game caches or something?
I know this thread is really old, but I don't want to waste space making a new thread.

So y'know how in Wc3: TFT, for the bonus orc campaign, you can go to different maps, and when you return to one you've been to before, any changes you might have made in it are still there, such as items in that cache in Orgrimmar, or the quests, or where Rexxar is when you return to the main region? How the crap do you do that? Does it involve game caches or something?

Yes game caches are required for any map-to-map...maps.. :p
They save levels - items - units. Anything.

So yes, they are caches.

Also here's my new opinion about this thread.

If we dont make new threads for different questions this thread is going to get too many questions and it'll be all distorted.
So what if there are double threads? We can help more! :)
I barely noticed that Tenebrae posted here, I just went in here to say to close it. Questions in here are neglected because this is an old thread.

SO don't make a help thread - make a FAQ.


New Member
um, okay... any particular reason why me? any particular questions you would like in it? maybe i should just improve on the one already here. if this is something people want, i will do it. just give me some suggestions as to what should be in it. i really don't know what qustions are common enough, i usually just work it out for myself :p


New Member
Why you? Cause you know stuff :p
What to put in it? Well check out wc3c's FAQ and maybe you'll get some idea of what to put in yours, but remember just answer general everyday trigger questions.
Basic FAQ questions:
How do I reduce WE lag?
How do I reduce loading time?
How do I add a loading screen?
How do I import on RoC?
How do I raise/lower doodads?
How do I make imported models/skins work?
How do you roate buildings?
How do you speak spanish?
Basic. :)

Also it's good including shortcuts (hotkeys) for the World Editor.