Halo......For Nintendo DS? (Not real)(box art)



New Member
This WAS a game. They only made one though and the only one who ever got to play it was this guy named Matt from nintendo (not the matt from here.) There is a GBA version of it out around the internet but it isn't easy to get it on your GBA even with a passme.


New Member
metroidprime3rules said:
chickenhea said:
fake the nintendo logo had a picture of mario in it the logo never has it + since halos an microsoft thing it woul have the microsoft ligoi on it and say nintendo and microsoft are teaming up
we all know its fake dude read the description.

Dude can u leave me alone (this guys been harrasing me for no reason)


New Member
Its impossible Bungie sold there soals to microsoft. xD nintendo ds halo. i dont think a 2d halo on the 3d would be good and i dont think they can put a 3d one on there..


New Member
Dana~Banana said:
Lol i have heard of this and there is a gameplay of it too

Yeah there was an early demo made by Bungie but they gave up on it coz they decided it was a bad idea. The Demo contained 1 map, 5 weapons and 1 vehicle or something like that. I don't think it would have worked even if they had made it.