GAMEware Wii Wireless GameCube Control Pad coming soon!


New Member
GAMEware Wii Wireless GameCube Control Pad comming 31st August, what d you think of this?
An unofficial wavebird for £19.99 from GAME. What a stupid but good idea!
This will get brought quite a bit but i bet it is fatand ugly!


New Member
Its a good idea to have wireless GC controllers but why have them when you already have the original controllers and also have the connections in the wii to use them, seems a waste to me

I have only got 1 game for the Gamecube so i don't think i'll be buying one


New Member
What most people don't know is that WaveBirds can last up to a year or more on the first run of batteries. :)

Also, it's GAME. GAME aren't exactly the best at accessories now are they? ;)


New Member
Lol yeah the gameware xbox (original) pads were horrible we broke one like every 2 weeks lol and just kept getting them replaced lol. They were comfortable enough though which is a change.


New Member
na i suppose, i can get a wavebird (official) for £19, why would i buy a GAMEware fake rubbish one for £0.99 more?