EA playground


New Member
a new game that is coming out and we only know when the american one is coming out it is fall 2008 all other countrys not yet known it looks fun cuz there is lots of different games such as dodgeball tetherball<(what the hell is that!) RC racing and a game called kicks a mix between football and volleybal!!


New Member
Yeah I saw a bit of this at E3 but not enough to consider buying it. It looks interesting and multiplayer could be good but I need to see more footage.


New Member
Romsmans.. The wii code itself? Or the sig pic? Just go to wiitag.org and create an account there. It'll be automatically created.


New Member
if it looks silly, it's basically following the same principles as Wii sports... and if EA can master the wii mote, then imagine the possible games by EA on wii...