Ah... the Dreamcast is an excellent console.
Shame Peterborough sucks - my brother bought me a Dreamcast 4 years ago (we're into retro stuff occasionally) for £20 with Dino Crisis and a Controller, including VMU. The problem was, the AV cable for it was missing. And d'yknow what the ironic thing is? When we came back, the shop had permamantely shut down. >:
I still have the Dreamcast console, but I sold off Dino Crisis, the VMU and the controller, but I'm going to track down an AV cable and an AC adapter off Ebay or something. After that, I'm looking to buy brand-new copies of Shenmue I and II, and the 2 Sonic Adventure games from Amazon, hopefully it won't cost no more than £50.
The Dreamy still lives on through homebrew; even Sega knows that, seeing that they still produce the GD-ROMs.
All companies have a great past and their legendary moments - but Sega's was unique. Each to their own, but everytime I play Sonic 1 and 2 on Wii's VC and visit the Secrets Of Sonic Team website, I get that feeling of nostalgia.
It's a shame that the Sonic franchise has been tarnished with the below-average Sonic Heroes and the PS3/360 Sonics - although Sonic Rush and SATSR make up somewhat for it (although it's irony that Sonic Team did not develop these 2 games - lol.)