So, who's looking forward to the release of DDR Hottest Party coming up? I'm wondering about how the pad will work.. I'd love to use my RedOctane Ignition 3.0 pad, but I don't know how.. hopefully via USB or a controller converter to GC? I sure hope it's not wireless, or I won't be able to use it. 
...On the GameSpot Hands-On page for DDR HP, some comments are saying they can use the Mario DDR pad... So, hopefully I can just buy a PS2 or Xbox to GC controller converter and use it that way.
Hopefully this can get moved to the official game threads page?
...On the GameSpot Hands-On page for DDR HP, some comments are saying they can use the Mario DDR pad... So, hopefully I can just buy a PS2 or Xbox to GC controller converter and use it that way.
Hopefully this can get moved to the official game threads page?