Can Anyone Share With Me Their Strategy To kill a enemy w/o Dieing and when reloading



New Member
I usually strafe from left to right while trying to kill an enemy.

For reloading, try to find the nearest cover as possible. But if you cannot...resort to your last choice? B-Hing..



New Member
As the one above me said, move left to right, but as I do, also try jumping eratically when enganging an enemy.

Jump wildly leaves it hard for them to shoot you, let alone get a head shot.


New Member
Well, I don't use nades unless I'm sure I'll get a double+ kill.
So I'll usually save one for emergencies.
I'll either use it when I'm low health, and use it to save my -.
Or bounce it off something around me, then reload.
The point for bouncing it off, is so it won't go far, but make sure it's far enough for you to have time to run away/reload.
The main objective is for the explosion to either kill them, or make them flee the scene.
The alternative objective for the nade is to do some damage, and you should be able to finish them off quite easy.

Hope I helped.


New Member
Well when i rush up to the enemy i feel like i am invinsible. Like they can barely shoot me. I usually get like 6-20 stright kills but mostly about 6


New Member
Don't rush, let the enemy be wounded and rush you. Then easily just aim high for the head and in one bullet they are dead...Usually I kill about 3 people before having to reload and when I reload I bolt it for the buildings for cover.


New Member
moving from side to side does work well. and also NEVER ELOAD YOUR WEAPON WHILE ENEMIES ARE AROUND!!!!!!!! just switch to another weapon. i cant tell you how many times weve lost because some dumb A** was in the middle of a gun battle and decided to reload. if he would have used his pistol we would have won. always switch. if both weapons are out of ammo, switch to nades and spam them down or use your knife!!!


New Member
1. Don't shoot wildly. Though an unmoded AR has roughly 120 bullets, play like you're trying to conserve your ammo. That will decrease the times you need to reload in combat.
2. If possible, always aim for the chest. The natural recoil of the weapon will usually lead to a headshot and thus you save bullets and health.
3. If you keep running at people head on, you'll die a lot. Try to work the enemy's flanks and if possible, make sure you have a clear shot before taking it. Otherwise you could miss and they'll start shooting you. surprise is key (though I know its hard on small maps like junkflea)
4. When you reload always be prepared to swap to your secondary weapon or try to reload before your clip is completely empty. The reason for the second part is because if you're in the middle of a reload and someone comes around the corner, tapping "1" twice will cancel the reload and swing your weapon back out in which case you still have a few bullets to fight with.
5. It's a lot easier to stay alive if you have coordination with your team, so if you haven't already, think about joining a clan. Voice communications is a great tool.
6. Bunny hopping (as mentioned in an above post) is very effective, but the bunny hopper needs to know how to shoot with the decreased accuracy. Best gun to bunny hop with is the shot gun since with the spray, it hardly matters where you shoot. For reloading purposes, unless you're under fire I don't suggest doing that but if you're in combat, try to bunny hop around walls and poles.
7. Strafing is an excellent way to stay alive. Especially if you're sniping. On junk flea, I can usually go with a 4:1 ratio by sniping on the roof tops. (The single roof top is my preferred spot [ can't remember what side it's on..its the green one]). Most shooters aim at you and not where you're going. So if you keep moving, the chance of them missing is increased.


New Member
buy a military shottie and pull out when you are up close when the enemy is reloading and 2 shots to the face should kill him


New Member
I just figured out that if you run up on someone and have a little manouvering room, instead of continuing on in a straight line, just use the strafe keys and walk in a little circle around them. It seems to throw their aim off pretty bad. I killed nine guys before they finally got me by using this little tactic.

Also, thanks to the guy who wrote about switching to your pistol if you're in the middle of a fight and run out of ammo. I started using that idea and managed to kill a SGM. I was so happy!


New Member
i use a extended mag so i do not have to reload in combat much and for killing ppl i try to get them when they r not looking but if they c you try to jump right and left


New Member
Pistol. Trust me. Ive gotten a Multi kill and didnt want to stop so i took out my pistol. got a head shot, got another kill and Boom. Another fantastic for me.


New Member
I personally like to use a Machine Gun with extra bullets (+50, Yay! :D) and two shot guns (i am a shot gun freak) with +4 bullets each, so thats around 22 shots with shot guns and 150 with MG, so i pretty much never reload because i am a rushing freak, so i die before i need to reload. xD