Best way to stay awake?


New Member
I always thought energy drinks sucked, so I use worcestershire sauce, which can really wake anyone up, someone on here when your tired or when you first wake up drink some and then tell me what you think.


New Member
Find something to interest you, and just refuse to sleep.

Anyways, all chemical substances fail for me.

Coffee, energy drinks, soda, everything fails.


New Member
coffee has never had any effect on me, cheese does somtimes keep me awake though, but I guess your question is wanting somthing to make you stay awake when you want to stay awake.


New Member
I just stay awake. Avoid anything that you might fall asleep on, keep yourself occupied, do anything to keep yourself mobile or busy.

By the way; masturbating doesn't count.


New Member
badboykane said:
Speed, LOL

Kazuki101 said:
I just stay awake. Avoid anything that you might fall asleep on, keep yourself occupied, do anything to keep yourself mobile or busy.

By the way; masturbating doesn't count.

I always tried drinking as much as I can.
That way, you'd never fall asleep, but you'd always have to go to the bathroom.


New Member
Drinking coke around 30 minutes before trying to sleep will most likely result in not sleeping until next morning :mega_shok:


New Member
are you saying drink lots of worcester sauce to keep awake.imagine what taste that would leave your mouth in.I drink coffee to keep awake with plenty of sugar.