An interesting perspective on WiiFit's balance board..


New Member
...stolen from

Amusingly, the hardcore that hates Wii Fit are also the same people missing out on what could be a peripheral that brings us closer to 'virtual reality' in our homes and expanding the boundaries of what a hardcore game could offer. Fit doesn’t just use the Balance Board, but also the sensor bar AND the Wii remote in some of its activities, effectively giving a projection of your whole body in-game. Now imagine removing all that from a fitness programme and slotting it inside a first-person shooter, where dodging movement can be mapped to how you position yourself on the Board. A third-person action game where puzzles can be activated by your own pressure and body, for example. How about something like Time Crisis, where you no longer have to press a button to hide, but by crouching on the Board instead? Boxing and other sports now have limitless potential. Snowboarding? Skateboarding? Surfing? All perfect for Wii Fit's accessory. One imaginative forum-goer even suggested that a Star Wars lightsaber style game could be implemented, where shifts in your bodyweight equate with sidestep attacks, while your remote obviously acts as the lightsaber itself, freeing up a number of buttons for other things. Of course, this would also apply to any title which uses a sword, too. Smart.

Sure, much of this is speculation, but the realisation may not be as far away as you think. Given the potentially high market penetration of Wii Fit, and thus the Body Board, it will be more viable to third-parties and so increases the likelihood of seeing games like this in the near future, should Nintendo be open to such possibilities. Which is probably something the company itself is already thinking about. Pressure sensitive gameplay in Zelda Wii, anyone?


New Member
hm i'd never thought of it being used for other games, but it would probably be pretty good for a lot of games. A lightsaber game wood be amazing, moving on the board to move your charecter and dodge attacks.


New Member
wiipointsmaster said:
that would be cool if time crisis came to wii

wiipointsmaster said:
i want wiifit the idea of the board sounds pretty cool

wiipointsmaster will you STOP double and triple posting.........that is considered spam at wii pros and we dont allow spam.......