WIP/Completed Models


New Member
hey its a purple zergling lol
good job

and n00bystance, your attachment modles were always good my fave there is probly panda shield :D


New Member
a very purple zergling that is suppose to be brown with purple tints if i knew how to UV.
There are so many different zergling concepts..so i made my own.


New Member
i love the zergs..so fun..humans are okay..at least they have more feel than the wc3 humans,
Comeone people show ya models! we would love teh see :)3)


New Member
but we can all agree protoss will just kick thier @$$ inspiecialy if i zealot rush...
but anyway good though you customised it a bit more then just changed textures, makes it more versitile i guess


New Member
"but anyway good though you customised it a bit more then just changed textures, makes it more versitile i guess"
huh? no hes made from scratch.
Ben, you do model editing dont you?


New Member
sorry i explained wrong i ment like you had him diffrent from a normal zergling (and i know you make modles from scratch just not the anims i think)
and i skin not too good though, but not modle editing, i was only just trying to annoy you on msn when i said i would steal that werewolf modle lol im not like that i wouldnt be bothered any way


New Member
i do anim from scratch but i suxxors.
so i base them off wc3 models.
Also..i have no idea what you are talkin about with the msn thing.


New Member
but we can all agree protoss will just kick thier @$$ inspiecialy if i zealot rush...
but anyway good though you customised it a bit more then just changed textures, makes it more versitile i guess

u sux :yay: i can easly beat zealot rush with terrans and zergs, just some sunkens, and good tactic :] for terran........FB are enough