Whats your favorite pistol?



Active Member
Im sorry, I still don't get it. Why dont you just buy some guns though? Even if they are good, im sure there are plenty of cheap guns that you can buy 1 day that are better than defaults. You make money, why not spend some.

I just have changed from buying weps to just modding my defaluts...so my M16 has extended mag II + ACOT AT3 + supressor, as well as my pistol, i like having fun moments p*ss1ng off ppl when they say like:

-impossible u can get all that with the default gear U HAXX0R...or something like that lol...like my screnshots i posted in these forums...i have done some impossible shots... ROFL.

also im earning too much GP for buying a buch of sooooo many SC...

I should gift him a new permanent weapon so he has no choice.. lol

would ya do that mate?...cool :D


Active Member

Yea, I liked it quite a bit. If you click just right, it's like its auto. But I really like the Deagle, and the Andaconda.
I do a quick 3-4 round burst with it.. if I didn't get the HS, I usually jump around a little and put a few more shots into them until they're dead. I want one for 30 days+ lol


Right now, G23 SE. that thing draws like a beast. I have not unlocked the G18, so I can't comment. The USP Tactical, I got for 90 days and it was damn good. I farm Headshots with the USP family :).