What are your skills?



New Member
Basically everything concerning WE & Campaign-Creation (Triggering, Terraining, JASS, Story-Writing, ...). Anyway, I'm not used to skinning or modeling. I'm just able to do some minor model edits (changing emitter color, removing/adding parts, ...) and small color-changes in icons/skins so they fit for my work.


New Member
olof is an amazing artist..look at hes sig leading to hes museum and u will c, also panther rider at wc3s is an artist..so so many other people..they just dont say or show...


New Member
Terraining-Mediocre at best :wtf:
Ideas-Oh dear god dont get me started :/
Triggering-Not as good as terraining :(
Custom Spells/Units/Items-also oh dear god dont get me started
Art-Sucks at it unless its done off computer
Questing-...IM WORKING ON IT OK!?
Making maps-look at the name man o_O

other than that i cant do :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
:infernal: this is map and hes done talking


New Member
My skills? ok.

I am good at triggering while i like to keep as much as possible in the object editor.
I am learning JASS at the moment (i think i got the hang of it, i just haven't got anything to test myself with.).
I can change icons from passive to disabled and stuff like that (I got the psp layer pack with all the borders and that in it).
As for ideas... if you think of any, could you tell me? I'm really stuck.
Terraining, I honestly don't know cos I've never submitted a map, but I don't think its any good at the moment.
Modeling, I made a coffin but can't export it, nor name the animations, every tute I find assumes that I know how to name the animations. and I got my brother to skin it for me so I can't do that either.


New Member
I'm an allrounder.

I am good at triggering, especially whole systems (spells, inventory, battle-system, save-code).
I am a quite fast mapper.
My weak points are models and skins - I use an iMac and i didn't found a good modeling-program for macintosh.


New Member
All my maps have been solo projects, so I larned how to terrein and trigger side by side only because I had no other real choice. I may consider myself to be an "allrounder" where as I have no particular weaknesses, but I have no particular strengths either.


New Member
Decent in JASS, triggering and spellmaking...
Average in iconing and terraning...
Beginner in modelling...
I Suck at skinning...

