

New Member
These guns require more skill to use than any weapon in the game. With most weapons you get multiple shots off in seconds. So if the user of the shotgun misses, they get lit up by the opposing player without a second chance to fire. I truly feel sorry for all people who use shotguns. They're apparently just hard to use properly. Close range, a machine gun will plow them down any day.


Active Member

Shotguns are probably the easiest gun to use and the range is so screwed up. As long as you have someone between the crosshair (which isn't hard at all being that it's so wide) they're most likely going to end up dead or close to it.


New Member
I think that the most important advantage for shotguns are that the crosshair never moves regardless of what you are doing. This is an emportant ploy, very much while jumping.
edit: however, machine guns definitely work against shotguns, especially when ur standing still


Active Member
I give this troll a 3/10

I love how you just joined and don't even know him yet but still dub him a troll. He told you to get the fuck out because you made a retarded statement about shotguns requiring the most skill out of any weapon in the game when really they require the least skill to use. Ever picked up an L96A1 and tried to use it affectively at all ranges? Long is easy, but mid-short range takes some serious skill. I agree with Ill, get the fuck out.


New Member
I tried a shotgun twice...I found it kind of hard to shoot someone thats like jumping around...and if you use a m90 military, your screwed if you miss, since the time it takes to fire another shot is about the time someone can unload on you with whatever gun they're spraying with...causing your death.

Can't remember which gun it is, but one of them has a different fire mode than auto, and can fire wicked fast...that one is cheap, and my next decision on buying for junkflea, death room, and that new map.