Screen shot how to


New Member
Character darkwench is a massive hacker. How do I grab a screen shot and send it in? This guy has a headshot of 69%. everytime try to kick he logs out then right back in. Sick of players like this. Anyone here have pull with nexon and get this idiot banned for ever?


New Member
69% is pretty questionable.

Combined with the 322 unbelievables and the 7.2something KD, I'd call that a pretty firm chance he's a hacker.

He's on the CBL as dirty, unverified, but there's a verfied version of him OPKing.

I'd feel pretty safe saying he's a fucktard.


Active Member
Well If you play with him again you can report him.
Or add him as a friend and go to one of his matches and catch him in the act
Then report him to nexon. You reall might not need a screen shot because they can users computers that are reported