Need Rescue people


New Member
lol then shouldnt his username be heavy map maker any way, your terrains not that bad but as i said to you when you showed me a terrain map, dont just have the surrondings full of trees have like little gaps with some custom doodas such as a paladin rallying some footies or the orcs executing some humans


New Member
o well guys thx currently im on project "Myths of Derlsong" as for ben im actually much (that foots n orcs was just nothing i was lookin for a bita fun and that wasnt a real project , as for clans im currently on cbs and phumia sure i'd check it) and i really appreciate all help u guys gave me especially to N00bStance and rage for allowin me to join cbs and to gold-panter partner in my project n hes helping me in terrain..currently i developed a huge city which is nice anyways any1 who can tell me where can i get custom terrain n doodads i searched in n couldn't find any..i appreciate any help i can get from that.

Once again thx to all people who helped me.


New Member
Jessica, I've lost count of how many threads you've revived now. I will not keep saying this, so take a look at the date before you post.