Looking for active clan to participate in clan battles


New Member
Hey I'm lookin for an active clan to join who participates in clan battles actively...I've only been playin a week or two now but I'm past the learning curve and am improving my stats every day...I'm up to a 1.0 KDR now and am at the rank of Corpora...my common Elimination 8v8 to 140 scores are 20-50 kills 5-30 deaths...I have a mic for Teamspeak or Vent. I have many hours logged on various FPS's including Quake 2/3 Medal of Honor, SOF2(my personal fav) Battlefield series, CoD series, Unreal Tourney...and many more. PM me or email me at jdnavioneer@gmail.com, yahoo messenger jd_navioneer@yahoo.com or find me in game as "jdheath"