How to Be The King Of Brushwood ( by using stealth)

My sercrets for stealth in brushwood are going to be revealed . Here they are. First , use ur default clothes or the ones for jungle operations ( not the black one ) , no try to use a black weapon , try to go by the leafs that are near the wall so the enemy dosent notice you , no when you get close to the entrance of site A , throw a grenade , one lol will always be there on the logs , no chnage to gun , run fast because the enemy will know your there ,tell ur team to cover you , neter the base and bomb them , now if you have the bombs that can be planted cover the entrances that are in then base then wait until enemys come into the exit of the cave shoot at the bombs and make them explode then you have an easy kill , but make sure your team is covering you especially snipers. this has a high chance of working in 8vs8 matches


New Member
brushwood is my laggiest map, but its the map i get most of my unbelievables i just run out there attacking them while hiding in the grass good strategy :D