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New Member
I have to have the extra ammo. I use every single round of it. I mean...look at my K/D for Christ's Sake :p not to be egotistical, but when I run into a room, 90% of the time, it's not the fact that the other guy happens to get lucky on me, it's the fact that I run out of AMMO that generically kills me. Specially when I run out of ammo overall. I've been killed hundreds of times because I was looking down spamming the E button as fast as I could trying to pick up an M-16.

They need to add bandoliers in place of vests or something...I dunno. I run through three magazines pretty bloody fast.


New Member
yes and no.

Yes, because it gives you a clear view and can hit anyone in the field

No, because people will expect it.

You gotta be creative when you snipe... or play against people who have never played the map.

I never use sniper rifles though because they don't stack up kills fast enough, but I've seen people who use them to great success

Everytime I play on a new map I never played in before, I suck **********************************************


I have to have the extra ammo. I use every single round of it. I mean...look at my K/D for Christ's Sake :p not to be egotistical, but when I run into a room, 90% of the time, it's not the fact that the other guy happens to get lucky on me, it's the fact that I run out of AMMO that generically kills me. Specially when I run out of ammo overall. I've been killed hundreds of times because I was looking down spamming the E button as fast as I could trying to pick up an M-16.

They need to add bandoliers in place of vests or something...I dunno. I run through three magazines pretty bloody fast.

ya ammos a problem for me too, which is why I rely on my shotgun so much as a backup.


New Member
near the bottom of this I went pretty detailed, and then again on the next page

I've been very successful since those posts using pretty much what I said in the last one up there. Famas/Heavy Vest/SR-25/Mines. You really don't need to bother with headgear or uniforms but the psychological effect might be worth it. I might ramble a bit...

Just use the Famas as primary with an ACOG scope and extended mag, the SR-25 sniper with extended mag also as backup for long range anti-sniping (it doesn't happen much but its definitely worth it to break camps) and the heavy vest is a no-brainer now, really. You'll make it through much more close calls and you can still dodge decently. Everything else I would probably be repeating, so just click the link above.

Oh and ya, buy a pistol. Try out a few they're all slightly different; I use the k7 or w/e, but there are definitely times when it's necessary to pop out your pistol.

Mines are just for lols, but I honestly get more kills with them than grenades. Usually I'll just damage with nades but two mines close to each-other will guarantee you kills unless one of your paranoid team mates shoot them all.