g36 over accurate+ to strong


New Member
i dont call people that use g36 noob.its just that i think its to accurate for a weapon with the power it has i think this weapon needs to be downgraded because its basically an instant kill.

what are youre thoughts on this weapon?


Active Member
i think its fine the way it is but i agree that too many noobs use it but if a noob is good with a good gun a veteran is gona be even better with it...


New Member
g36 is lame. noob weapon indeed. and the scope fn' blows.. all the wanna be pros use it and get pwnd by my m4a1.. a real mans gun


New Member
You sound like you are using it... wait... oh yes, you are using the Valkyrie one, cool. You just want to defend "your" gun here. Stop this please, as it is subjective, very subjective. You're obviously one of the noobs who are using it. Ok, I don't wanna say noobs. You are obviously one of the players that need an overpowered weapon to own. Trust me, some 4HK weps are better, if you know how to use them. If you don't know how to use a gun properly, then stick to the G36 and stay stupid.


New Member
In all honesty, I can use all the guns in the game with somewhat equality. When I get the MYST supply case, I can run every single gun I get as a primary without too much of an issue. The G36 takes a bit of getting used to, but once you get used to the damn scope, it's easily the best gun in the game, followed by the M-416, the SCAR and the AK103 in that order.

The AK pwns in CQB, the SCAR is good for medium range and the M-416 is the next closest to all around best gun if you put an iotech on it.


New Member
I like the UMP for CQB better, I like the M4A1/M416 for medium range better.
It's all subjective. But I didn't need to get used to the G36, I tried it once and I used it never again. I prefer guns with Iotech.