EPIC sound.


New Member
You may or may not have a good sound card, but I do. I also have professional headphones (not "pro gaming headphones".. nonono those are for children), I mean professional recording headphones.

Anyway, I've been listening to Lamb Of Gods Killadelphia and fell in love again. That intro to Laid to Rest (at 0:22) literally makes me think my brain is shaking. Then the break down at 2:14 with the "SEE WHO GIVES A FUCK" and bass drum just.. wow. Another epic sound is the intro to Iced Earths "Angels Holocaust". It defines a massively huge, epically epic sound.
Then I turned up every bass boost I have and turned up the volume and its just ungodly. Naturally I had to turn the EQ's preamps WAY down, so it won't be compressed beyond recognition.

I've had 2 pots of coffee and no sleep because of this.

EDIT: I do this all the time and I still have 9/10 hearing.