DeltaD(e)ad - Hey Ya'll


New Member
Hey folks,
I was looking for info on making in game sprays and found this forum. I've been playing CSS for just a short while and am really starting to get into it. So anyway, I thought I would start here by introducing myself. I'm no powner nor haxer. I abhor cheaters. I'm just looking for the right people with the right attitude to spend my time with. If you have something stupid or unrelated to say then "just don't" otherwise I look forward to meeting you and maybe shooting you....

DeltaD(e)ad Out...

ps. I really want info on transparent backgrounds for my sprays.


New Member
Hey man, everyone that played on this server ran away because a guy named Puppet was a an old fucker with small balls. There was a guy named Dilla also, he was a total tool.

That is just the tip of the ice, but anyway.... Lets try to get this rolling again.