wow this tornado was random as fuck!!



New Member
Wow, thats some weird shit. What's amazing is how many people aren't just flat out running. Almost like they were tempting the damn thing. By the way, these people's english really sucked.


New Member
Didn't the people act the same way toward Godzilla - or Blackzilla for you Chappel fans? I can't understand how people who are dominating the world economic market are too stupid not to run like their asses are on fire when a small tornado kicks up. If you really watch it one of the coaches is just standing there with a couple of the players; maybe this is just mother natures way of improving the genepool -if you're too stupid to run away from a tornado, then you should not reproduce. I also agree with Puppet, their english was awful, as was their landscaping; who plays soccer on a dirt feild, damn grow some grass!


New Member
Reply, yeah I wanted to see someone get thrown.

Have you guys seen the video of the truck that runs a red light at a crosswalk section? He drills a PT Cruiser and it wails this kid cross the street.....if you laugh you're an evil bastard going to hell

(for the record, I laughed)


New Member
the truck one is on here somewhere:

and this is ridiculous, off of the same site:


New Member
if u look aeven closer to the right hand corner of the screen at the bottom there is a guy still sitting in a fukn chair with the url i had...!!!


New Member
Didn't even open any of those links...makes me sick.
U guys gotta check out some other with all the hate and violence ?
yer all the result of the fuked up media :?