wii memory cards


New Member
beerbert said:
Gdog said:
I'm just taking a guess that this might be your standard SD Card? If so, then tahnks for the info, because I didn't know that VC's could be saved on them...

yes they can be saved to sd crads thats why u can download vc games for internet shove em onto a sd card pop iot into ur wii and bam there is free channels

How do you do that?


New Member
lu1g1 said:
i only think that they would be needed if you had lots of VC games...

i have a 2 gig and i have alot of room.and i have brought 10 vc games from each system.the games aren't big...and plus if you lose a game, you can download them again for free


New Member
kyoryu said:
lu1g1 said:
i only think that they would be needed if you had lots of VC games...

i have a 2 gig and i have alot of room.and i have brought 10 vc games from each system.the games aren't big...and plus if you lose a game, you can download them again for free

ARE YOU KIDDING ME. you have ten games from each console on VC. How many points did you buy? it has to be in the hundred thousands.