wii making noises..?



New Member
Mario said:
Do you keep your Wii on all the time?

What do you mean by that?
'cause that could mean "Do you leave it on Power ON?" or "Do you leave it on Stand By?".

And to be on topic, I leave my wii on Stand By all the time, since December.
And I'm not getting any "clicking noises".


New Member
I did mean do you leave it on standby sorry, when you put a disc in it does click but when its actually playing i havn't heard any clicking noises


New Member
no it red the light and yes there is a disk inside but when i turn it on it makes a 2 secon cliking noise.....


New Member
I haven't heard any clicking noises at all...
Do you have to be right next to your wii to hear it? 'cause I don't listen to my Wii, when I'm playing/putting in a disc.


New Member
Sabretooth Penguin said:
maybe its because you leae your disk in all the time?

I usually switch everyday, between Smash Bros., then Redsteel, then MSCF, then WiiSports.
Lots of my friends come here to play on teh shizz...
I'm playing Smash Bros. right now.


New Member
Sabretooth Penguin said:
oh i see. but do you leaave it in when you turn it off?

But I have the clicking noises too.
You see, I don't tend to listen to my wii...
And music is always playing in the background.