Wii component cable is a little disapointing



New Member
i use component cables with my dvd player and i noticed a difference but my gf didn't... i want them but i'm not sure if all games support it, i think some don't


New Member
It doesn't make a great deal of difference. The standard def is 480i and the components allow you to see the resolution up to 480p. It doesn't make everything 480p just up to 480p.

The only real differences I saw when I got my component is a few games were brighter and the colours stood out a bit more which I could have just adjusted my tv settings to do that anyway.

skyclaw you are right, not all games support it anyway so some won't make any difference at all and the Wii doesn't upscale so most games will look the same.

Here is a quick screenshot comparison:


New Member
i noticed big differences... the added colour can kinda be added with playing with settings, but it would also cause colour bleeding... which the 480p doesn't, also you can more clearly see pretty much everything... I'm really picky about stuff like that so i think I'd be happy even if nobody else saw a difference