who agrees



New Member
MM is one of the weirdest Zelda games.

I bought the expansion pack for N64 in order to play Majoras mask. I was a bit dissapointed for the game and did not play it through.

Maybe I should dig it out from the closet one day and give it another try. :D

There are better Zelda games out there.


New Member
I've said it for the PS3's PS game downloads and I'll say it here: they should put the more Rare harder to get games on instead of the Big easy to get games


New Member
You got the point pure_mind_games!

More Rare games at VC and finally we would have the chance to play all the games we have dreamt of.

Also would be nice if there would be available games only sold in Japan. (translated in english ofcourse)


New Member
Danny said:
Ocarina of Time was a way better game due to timed gameplay which really frustrated players..
The time limit was never a problem for me, you had alot of time to play with when you played the song of time backwards so you were never in a hurry really. I really liked the idea that you could only do certain mission on a specific time.

I would love to see it on VC since I can't play it on my N64 anymore.


New Member
The game rocked. ¬_¬
It was BOLD. Took a new direction that most games couldn't dare to then.

If Majora's Mask and Sin & Punishment arrive on the VC.... :D