Whats the best Zelda game?



New Member
I thing the best zelda game is that on to N64 Ocarina of time, that gamed kicked...Im going to buy twillight princess this weekend and after that let me speak out my mind about that game =D


New Member
i only ever played:

ocarina of time
majora's mask
twilight princess (just got this one)

and in my opinion it has to be ocarina of time


New Member
Well ocarina was the best for me with the puzzles, music, random stuff to do all the time lol and the whole young/old link
Twilight Princess is a great game but more dark and combat orientated to me
Windwaker is good but i dont think it compares to the others
Majoras Mask is great and when i think about it it should be my favourite but i just didnt like it that much compared to ocarina (its still one of my top 10 games ive ever played though)


New Member
i think zelda oot just about beats twilight princess cos i found twilight princess too easy. However i did enjoy twilight princess a lot... Maybe there both equally gd. And i dont see wat all the fuss is about with a link to the past. Its alrite but the 3d games are better.


New Member
TWILIGHT PRINCESS!! like comon u get to be a wolf >=]!!! and the controls for the wii make the game so much better then any normal game aka the game on game cube!! i know they did it for game cube people that are fans of zelda and its cool but im just saying its better on the wii.!


Active Member
JustinGTL said:
TWILIGHT PRINCESS!! like comon u get to be a wolf >=]!!! and the controls for the wii make the game so much better then any normal game aka the game on game cube!! i know they did it for game cube people that are fans of zelda and its cool but im just saying its better on the wii.!

none of them :blum:


Active Member
Ocarina of time and Majora's mask get's a tie from me. They were both equally great game's and had awsome quality. Twiight princess disappointed me sadly....:mega_shok: