What should I download??? Mario RPG or Paper mario??? (Mario RPG is not relest get)
G Goku_93 New Member Aug 13, 2007 #1 What should I download??? Mario RPG or Paper mario??? (Mario RPG is not relest get)
R Ryano New Member Aug 13, 2007 #2 I've only played Paper Mario and am very much enjoying it so far. If you played the GC version of PM then you'll really like this game aswell.
I've only played Paper Mario and am very much enjoying it so far. If you played the GC version of PM then you'll really like this game aswell.
L Lucke189 New Member Aug 13, 2007 #3 Paper Mario for the 64 is a really nice game. ^_^ Haven't played Mario RPG so i don't know how good that one is. :/
Paper Mario for the 64 is a really nice game. ^_^ Haven't played Mario RPG so i don't know how good that one is. :/
Z Zigurat New Member Aug 13, 2007 #8 Both are great games so you should download both. But since Mario RPG isn't released yet(?) you should download Paper Mario first.
Both are great games so you should download both. But since Mario RPG isn't released yet(?) you should download Paper Mario first.
Danny New Member Aug 13, 2007 #10 Paper Mario is the spiritual sequel to Mario RPG... so they both have the same element... But Mario RPG is TBA 2007 so get Paper Mario.
Paper Mario is the spiritual sequel to Mario RPG... so they both have the same element... But Mario RPG is TBA 2007 so get Paper Mario.
B bksands77 New Member Aug 14, 2007 #13 i vote both since they are both great mario games, but rpg isn't out yet so get paper mario
H h4ck3r New Member Aug 15, 2007 #14 As some have said, You should probably buy Paper mario now and buy Super mario RPG when it comes out.
As some have said, You should probably buy Paper mario now and buy Super mario RPG when it comes out.