Wanna cheat @ the next LAN Party?


New Member
<embed allowScriptAccess="never".."FILTER: xray" name="RAOCXplayer" autoplay="true" src="http://media1.break.com/dnet/media/content/lancheater.wmv" width="320" height="265" ShowC.."1" ShowStatusBar="0" AutoSize="true" loop="true" EnableC.."0" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"></embed>

Think that was bad?
Just hope Dilla and I aren't there.



New Member
haha holy shit, having body gaurds at a lan, fucked up. dudes lucky he is big, or i would fucking dropped kicked him for throwing my comp

oh and rancid nice sig. hahah "gaying you since...." hahahaha

Celshock MP5

New Member
You can gay me anytime...bring youre gf too hahaha.
Did they really do this to some guy cheating? or is it a hoax? I'd be pissed if the tossed my PC.


New Member
It may be a hoax, but I can envision Puppet tossing Sort out of a Punx LAN the exact same way! Well... maybe Smokey and DC would be the thugs. Well... maybe it would be Ema instead of Sort. Ah hell, it's just funny. :p