The Battle for Middle Earth


New Member
As said in the title I am making a lotr campaign called The Battle for Middle Earth. I am looking for

A modeler for makeing normel units, heros, animated models, ect
A modeler who can make doodads
Cinematic Maker (Filled)
Maybe a skinner, not needed at the moment though

Most of the missions up to Helms Deep have been almost completed and I am roughly estimating I have done about 70% of the campaign.

The missions at the moment will be:

Flight of the Ring (Prologue, Cinematic)
Journey in the Dark
Amon Hen
March of the Ents
Helms Deep
Ambush in Ithilien
Minas Tirith
Cirith Ungol
The Black Gate Opens
The End of the Third Age (Epilouge, Cinematic)

The forums for the campaign can be found here

A website is also being made about the project.
Any one who wants to join can make a post here, pm me, or pm me a Hive Workshop or just email me.

You will also need to send me a sample of your work.



New Member
i think i can help you with cinematic

[come on whats so hard about cinematic lol]

hmm maybe i can help if you call .

im good story teller :D


New Member
Hey Bob27, i took the time to download your campaign, but i found that there was not enough depth in the moria level. There were not enough enemies and it didnt fit the story too nicely, touch it up a little bit and make some nice shadowy dark terrain and it will be good. Keep it up!


New Member
Ok first of all Jessica, what skills do you have, can you model or skin? AAnd Radagast, could you give me your email address? I might get you to do a few icons if you want to. And for both of you make sure you have an account at Hive Workshop. since thats where the froums are