Test pic


New Member
I posted a couple pics on another forum and they didn't work. So I'm just gonna test one here to see if it was the website or the site hosting the pictures.


Hopefully it works, just me doin a kegstand last St. Patty's day. And if it doesn't work, if you want to see it then just right click and view image!


New Member
Like I said puppet, if you want to view it, right click on the little icon there and then hit view image. I told you, use them damn trifocals old man!


New Member
You frickin hussie. Stop calling me old or I will stop dating your mom. Hey, when I right click that picture, the only option is "show picture" and it doesn't show me anything. Maybe my pooter doesn't understand your file??


New Member
Damn, if you wanted to see it that bad, I edited the post to just have the link just for you! To bad the ceiling was so low i couldn't get my legs straight in the air :lol: . That and it was my buddy Stevo holdin me up....he's not the strongest of people.


Spont said:
God dammit, it didn't work

Just so you know, the reason they're not working is because they're lacking an image extention in the url, which that host does not supply. I suggest changing hosts if you plan on using various message board codes to post images and have them show up without clicking on a link.
r00tw0rm said:
Spont said:
God dammit, it didn't work

Just so you know, the reason they're not working is because they're lacking an image extention on the file, which that host does not supply. I suggest changing hosts if you plan on using various message board codes to post images and have them show up without clicking on a link.

holly shit, that was the most polite and usefull thing I have ever seen from him.

now we know he is usefull, can we start a donationg for his charm school?


New Member
Well, that was kinda because the ceiling was so low. I'm only 5'8 or so and my feet were touching the ceiling during the stand. So it was kinda hard to get in the correct position. Plus I was already drunk around this time.....I think it was about 7ish, so I didn't really care haha