So I just did a EnjoyMyMediaâ„¢ and wii test


New Member
So I just did a EnjoyMyMediaâ„¢ and wii test

So I just did a quick set up with EnjoyMyMediaâ„¢ and wii as a test, and I might be doing somthing wrong, but as far as I can see at the moment, all it is doing is telling you to access the webpage and then set it as a favorite.

I was thinking that it would look and feel different to just the same webpage that you get on a browser.

Has anyone else had a go at setting this up.

Tomorrow if I find some time I will try and do it properly and more advanced.

Its a nice idea, but still feel like its needs a little work still.


New Member
RE: So I just did a EnjoyMyMediaâ„¢ and wii test

Well - it's supposed to interact with the Opera Internet Channel, which is probably why it 'looks' similar.


New Member
RE: So I just did a EnjoyMyMediaâ„¢ and wii test

i agree on the work part! needs a lot of work for accessibility!


New Member
RE: So I just did a EnjoyMyMediaâ„¢ and wii test

Gdog said:
wat xactly is enjoymymedia

well it sort of explains in the name,

i think it is a video and picture hosting site or something by the sound of the name........ [tries to smile]1 second[/tries to smile]