Small spell contest


New Member
Alright Fladian, you wanna contradict me, well ill fuckin show you the meaning of contradiction . . .
here it comes . . .
I suggest you watch your language a bit, James. Not everyone is willing to take such words. I've seen warnings flying all over the forum because of such.

Remember that werewulf thread? Well, whilst me and everyone else was upset at her departure, i did not see you say you would miss her once. The most you said was "yeah, i doubt they will go through with it" - Thats tactless fladian.
No, that's called not really caring about it, James. It's a shame that someone like her who lived up the forum had to leave, but I can't say I was upset or sad to see her go. When a friend has her first baby, but the baby looks hideous you won't say it out loud either. You'd try to avoid the question, or answer the question with a different question. In my case, it was actually none of both.
I don't have any bond with anyone of this forum (yet) and won't really feel sad if anyone would leave at the moment. I'm not a member of this forum long enough for that. As bad as it may sound, I had nothing with Wulf and therefore did not have anything in terms of feelings when I saw her go.

if ur just ganna go round bossing us around and saying "hey, man, not my fault, im just like this ;)" . I would have at least accepted you to say "OK, james, ill try not to be bossy again" or "oh, sorry, that did sound bossy :p"
Perhaps that would better fit my image, James, but how important I look to others is something I stopped caring about when I messed something life-shocking up two years ago. If you don't like me acting like that, then it is your problem, not mine.
That I am a moderator is something trivial. I'd act the same way would I not be a moderator, not to mention that I encourage people to forget I'm a moderator. Just think of me as a regular member that is able to close (and move) threads.

In my Warcraft III Campaigns Forum time, I was well known for being a moderator that did not follow rules completely, which is only partly true. I don't follow specific rules because I don't agree with them, therefore, I was never able to get in the good books of the other staff members and probably resulted in me losing my status. Those who would focus a bit on what I was doing it was easily visible that I followed only a small portion of the rules, which I still do and will always do. Posting a thread with only a link, is one of them.
Sending me a PM with a normal question will get a formal answer from me. Sending me a PM saying that the person don't like me will receive a reply in the same way as the previous.
I can act both as a freelancer as can I act quite formal and professional, James. I only prefer the first above the second one, but I will not hesitate to step in whenever I am needed. I learned that from old Wc3c member, JaNa.

I know that werewulf was a mod on, not so sure about anvil.
She was at Oh, I didn't know that. My Warcraft contacts died together with the Wc3c Forum, I have been struggeling a bit to keep myself up to date. She indeed was... no, is a moderator here at Wc3Anvil.

But either way, im sure that fladian had a little twinkle in hes eye when he saw the loot up for grabs with some nice food to feed hes power-hungry crusade to bring war and suffering to all by increasing hes empire of bossyness, either to , or furthering hes evil grasp upon the inocent unprepared citezens of a once peaceful society of anvil . . .
Well, you probably misunderstand something, and I'll carefully point it out. James, I have no intention of doing anything at and as a matter of fact, only came there once with a real reason. That was when I wanted to download the praised campaign, the Spider Queen and Dragon's Return, it was called, I believe. That Wulf was a moderator at is something I did not know, as a matter of fact, I know awfully little about

To... let's see... "feed my power hungry crusade to bring war and suffering and blah blah" sounds like a fairy tale, James. There is no loot I am willing to take, there is no position I am willing to fill and there is no action I am willing to start. I have no intention of increasing my influence to other forums or this forum for that matter.
If I was interested in Wulf's position at I probably would have gone for it a long time ago. But I didn't. Doesn't that say enough already?
If I wanted to achieve everything there is to achieve on this forum, with an exception to a few contests, I could've done it already as well. But I didn't. Doesn't that say enough already?
If I wanted to increase my influence to other forums, I would've already done it. I already had more than few options to do it, but I didn't use them. As a matter of fact, when I was a moderator at Wc3c, I could achieve everything there is to achieve... and I achieved that.

You see James, I already achieved everything that is to achieve on a forum once. If I would want to do anything similar as back then, I wouldn't be posting like this.

Yes, i know im an arsehole :p Thanks!
Good luck with contradicting this one!
Okay, done.
If that is the best you could do against me, you are really just a kid.

But if you feel like to continue such a discussion, feel free to do so, but NOT in JaCeK's thread.

Don't spam my cute thread ^^
My humble apology for that, JaCeK.

As for the coment on my message being spam - Anything that is desighned to crush dictatorships and opresions is a heroic thing. Therefore my crusade against flad makes me a hero :)
Actually, it would make you the opposite of a hero. It would if it was directed to real "dictatorship" and stuff, but that isn't the case.

Flad, if u wanna grouch at me, keep it inside this topic please, together we can *beep* off jacek ;)
James, I have no need to do anything to you. If I wanted your demise here, you wouldn't be here for much longer. I'm a little more scary than most people believe I am, James. =)
But if you "spam" the thread of JaCeK again. I will take official actions. This is a contest thread, not an "attack Fladian" thread.

Nice contest Jacek, oh and to james you are wrong, werewulf was not a mod on wc3search.
She wasn't? Oh, alright.

Hey, look, a webcam picture of fladian taken a few seconds ago :
James, that isn't really accurate... I don't wear caps.


New Member
Fladian - could you please delete yours and james' posts and move them somewhere else? It is contest thread not offtopic discussion. :(
Atleast the thread here works... On I waited up to 30 minutes and it still didn't load... :(

Download everything on and see if your computer runs any faster :p
Anyways this is another fladian please delete these posts post because your the only mod here...


New Member
do we need a replay of a demonstration or just send u a map with the spells on it, do we need tooltips and stufff like that some one tell me already grrr!


New Member
Read the rules on wc3s. Upload the spells on wc3s, give me link and I am looking for judge to make spells rating more true :)/).