Small or Big tv?


New Member
hey everyone,

i have a wiii and right now it's hooked up to the living room television but my parents watch tv on it alot so i dont have that much playing time so i was wondering if i should hook up my wii to my bedroom tv. My living room television is 27" and my bedroom tv is 13". So what do you think i should do.

P.s i'll mostly play my vc titles (Paper Mario...LOL)


New Member
Well the living room tv sounds good. XD

But you can have it on your room if you wanna be alone. XD

Haha loving room. XD


New Member
Snoooben said:
Haha loving room. XD's not a typing error..........jjjkkk............sryy for the error everyone.

(edit) sryy beatmario if i doubled posted. Everytime i clicked the edit button a page comes up saying "This page has expired" but now its working again. Srrry, i hope there is no bad feelings about this.


New Member
Ugh... Double-poster...

Just leave your Wii in your bedroom, so you don't have any trouble of taking it out and going to another room for a bigger TV.
Besides, one TV is better than none.


New Member
vpd1993 said:
well u gonna wanna play it alot rite then put it in ur room

thats exactly what i did. I moved my wii to my room so i can have my privacy.

thnx for the reply everyone i appreciate it.:yess:


New Member

This guy plays his Wii on a 1.5 inch tv so I think you'll be ok.


New Member
Luigi said:

This guy plays his Wii on a 1.5 inch tv so I think you'll be ok.

omg thats so small

thnx for the link.


New Member
13"? 0_o
That's... tiny. I have my Wii downstairs on a Samsung 32" HDTV, it's worth the limited time of play I get. Especially when everyone is out on the weekend. :D

Although it's upstairs on the 17" in our 'utility' room opposite my bedroom ever since it needed replacing. But that's set to change. Hopefully we'll have had enough cash to buy a 40" 1080p HDTV upstairs.