I was looking for someone to make me a sig like this (this was borrowed off the ONM Forums btw):
I'd like it to be transparent like the one above (it's just an example), but I'd like MGS4 Raiden (hopefully you know who he is
) on the right hand side of the sig (like the man in the example).
On the left side, I'd like to have my username in the same area as in the example, and in the same font. If you can't find the font equal to the example, choose something similar. ^_^
Also, on the top left-hand side corner, please put in a medium-to-small Metal Gear Slid 4: Guns Of The Patriots logo. If you don't know what it looks like:
Oh, and here's what Raiden looks like (I want the guy on the left to be in the sig, along with that Raiden logo above my username)
I hope I'm not being demanding here.