WTS: Selling over 700euros worth Rift acc - all unlocked - [W]300 euros


New Member
every class, 99 euro dlc from steam, skin colors, hair, 10 profs on main 7 maxed out. Tier 1 Raid ready Tank/dps/healer/support warrior.

storm legion souls + dream souls, bag slots all unlocked, multiple bank tabs, so much wardrobe (7k credits worth) may most expesive mounts, pvp tier 1 finished ( weapons 2x1hand and 1x two hand) all equipables bought from pvp vedors. 6 tier 2 pvp items 67 prestige level.

short story - this account has 700h played, save your self the time, pay me around 40 cent for my hour in game and this account is yours with EMAIL CHANGE AND PW CHANGE that you will do.