Here is my first written review of a game published on a site, PM me with any tips or anything related. 
Name: WiiSports
Console: Wii
Multiplayer: Yes with two Wiimotes (one on bowling)
Online play: No, shamefully
Rating: 7/10
WiiSports, the Wiis answer to Duck Hunt? Packaged together with every Wii sold, WiiSports is more than just nintendos cheap gimick to show you how to use the WiiMote.
Whilst it does do just that, there is far more than meets the eye, this is how sports games should be played, the flow of the air hitting your hand as you swing your wiimote at tennis, or the sweat dripping of your brow as you try and take on the Pro's in boxing, its all about the feel.
I got WiiSports recently with my Wii and Zelda: Twilight Princess at Gamestation, the sales assistant tells me "You'll play that (pointing at WiiSports) the most i assure you", now as an avid Zelda fan since the first title i thought to myself "Yeah right", but was i wrong.
I got home later that day, popped in WiiSports, and the addiction started, with a 6 hour indulgement, Zelda wasn't touched on the first day. With 5 different games including Bowling, Tennis, Golf, Boxing and Baseball and a host of mini-games, you'll never have to venture out again.
WiiSports can keep you addicted for hours, and keep you slightly more fitter at the same time. 5 different sports games may not sound like much, but it kept me here addicted for days, with the ability to become pro and earn different medals (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) in each category and sub-game there is definatly something to aim for all the time, as well as beating your own score.
The fun doesn't stop there, if you have two Wiimotes, your in luck as playing against your friends is another great add on to WiiSports, it will have you and mates competing away for hours, only realising you've spent a whole day playing the game when it suddenly gets dark outside and your arm is literally about to drop off from playing too much tennis.
On the downside WiiSports does lack online playability, playing against your mates is great, especially for "bragging rights" the next day at work, but it would also be interesting to test your metal against people all over the wii world and really take them on.
We can only hope for it in a WiiSports2.
OVERALL: 7/10 - With some pretty solid, fun games, and decent graphics wii sports is fun for all the family, no online playability lets it down though.