Pokemon Battle Revolution - WiiPros Official Thread


New Member
Does ANYONE have it? Pokemon is my freaking favorite and I pre-ordered this game as soon as I could and got it on the first day it came out. But I have yet to find ANY opponent on-line to pwn!!! It makes me very sad =(


New Member
RE: Pokemon Battle Revolution

I will buy it if it is any good.

However, if it is anything like Pokemon Stadium, I will not purchase.

What's the premise? You just battle shit with your pokemon? No RPG-style gameplay?

But you can play online against others?


New Member
RE: Pokemon Battle Revolution

Yeah, no rpg =/. But I still think its worth it for being the first online gameplay for the wii, even though it's only to battle. I haven't really checked it out fully yet though =/


New Member
RE: Pokemon Battle Revolution

it should be alright just cause you can upload your pokemon from the ds games to it and use them online to battle on the big screen. though ill probably won't get it cause i'll just use pearl/diamond online (dunno which one im getting)


New Member
Wasn't Eledees/Elebits the first online game?
Anyhow, I have Diamond and Pearl, US versions, would I need to purchase the UK versions if I have a PAL Wii, so that I can link the 2 up?
I live in the UK so I can't play it yet, and I don't think I will. It got pretty bad reviews and its not really a true game more an add on for Diamond and Pearl which were great games!


New Member
this game is really bad, i have a friend who has the US version, it's only good if you want to battle ur DS pokemon in 3d. Absolutely useless for anyone else