One of my old maps...

Yeah, I've been digging around my maps folder and decided to start work on on of my old maps, Critter Siege! (I posted the map under my Wc3 screenname IEatGlue) VS might remember this, though I highly doubt it. I will post the map on the downlod section once I have finished a major update, then I wnat people to test it and see what can/might/has to be improved or changed.

Basically in this map you are defending the castle in the middle of the map with your hero. Enemies spawn in all four corners and intend on destroying the castle. You can chose difficulty and what not.
The version that I had released on has some bugs I know about (but not all) and they will be fixed once I re-release it. So if you want to check out an old version go to and search critter siege.

I want to improve this map a lot more than it is now. I had some ideas along the way that I dropped, like minigames. I also want to rename my map to something more suitable, Critter siege is all I had in mind back then, which was last year around , april, may, june... I want to make a lot more monster levels and more suitable items for heroes, along with more heroes.

What I have done (working on) since I released it on For starters I changed the tileset, I also removed the empty terrian. Now I made all abilities available up to level 10 and I will make the bank system more well thought of. OH! And I want to make a more advanced story behind this map!

If you checked out my map, I do not want it to look like it is now. I want to improve it so some people might actually play it instead of just downloading it and leaving it in dust, which is what it is doing now.

So any questions just ask here, comments, if you tried the map, and yeah..that's it.
EDIT: I don't expect this to be a giant project, I just wnat to make a decent map for once!


New Member
Ah I lvoe siege maps, I will try it out once you upload the new version here on the site :D

This sure will thrill 1 guy from my clan lol, he looves hero sieges xD
Hah, well i hope he likes it! I made a siege map because i love them too, but once the bar from previous maps is set so high it's hard to make another 'orginal' or 'unique' siege map afterwards...
I have low selfesteem so I don't really beleive in myself =P


New Member
Yes it might be hard to top X Hero Siege as it is a really good map but well, just believe in yourself :p

Im sure it will be good you seem like a good mapper to me, just go get 'em boy ;)
Alright I uploaded the map, test and comment. Don't expect a new jesus or somehting.
ALSO: I will be gone From Thursday at: 4:00PM (10PM Fladian's time :p) until MLK day (Monday the 16) I will be in Germanyt and unable to keep up with anything until then. But please leave comments here and I will check when I return.



New Member
1 thing, the map has a too long download time. Many people leave on bnet because of this, try to make it take up less space for less download time.

Also when you press arrow keys as player 1 stupid kirby faces show up, it is annoying remove it, people complained alot about it :p

Basicly the game needs alot and I mean alot of work as most of the spells were just basic blizzard spells, also the terrain needs some work on it. As it is now it is just a basic hero siege but it has potential so work hard on it and make it good :D
1 thing, the map has a too long download time. Many people leave on bnet because of this, try to make it take up less space for less download time.

Also when you press arrow keys as player 1 stupid kirby faces show up, it is annoying remove it, people complained alot about it :p

Basicly the game needs alot and I mean alot of work as most of the spells were just basic blizzard spells, also the terrain needs some work on it. As it is now it is just a basic hero siege but it has potential so work hard on it and make it good :D
Ok I'm leaving in 15 minutes to the airport -
Thanks for commenting already, so what do you propose I do, protect my map to reduce size? Tell me because I dont'e know. And like I said Iw ant to change the map A LOT so yeah I know it needs a lot of work. Also once I get back I'll kill kirb, alright? :)

About the spells, I know they are basic, but it's hard making about 100 custom spells - or maybe thats just me :/

Thanks for testing it though!
P.S. Comments on spell balances are needed too - I don't have time to test ever level of every spell, but if you find an inblanace, tell me.

Until then,


New Member
For the problem with custom spells there is alot of those on wc3search that would fit perfectly into a hero siege map :)

And you could reduce size by using vexorians map optimizer.
Well at least SOMEONE tested it =P
Ok so I'll do that then, rgaing, and then I will have my map updated. For now I'm set on german time and I have school tommorow..have a writing assignment due too so hopefully...I'll get this done soon.