North Pole: Barrels of Oil


New Member
World War III?

There's been a discovery of oil in the north pole, billions of barrels

Who thinks America and Russia will go to war over this?


New Member
Matt said:
Ha. My personal opinion of bush.. any excuse for a war ;)

Yeah but to declare a war he needs the people on his side and at the moment there are too many people against him.

But with people like this it's easy to understand how he got power.


New Member
oh dear, front page of the intependant today, russia has claimed half of the arctiv as its territory so they can get the oil, they sent down subs to put a flag on the sea floor, but USA, canada and denmark also want it :S


New Member
Hopes Denmark gets it. Hate USA don't care about Russia but don't like when Putin got allot of money. And Canada don't know any good or bad thing about them.


New Member
how can the north pole have oil in it? just ice! or do you mean under the ice because then it would cost a lot to dig up!

Go scandinavia!


New Member
i don't think anyone is going to be able to claim it. enviromentalists and scientists is going to raise everywhere. On the other hand, arctica don't have a government so... who know's what is going to happen. It is probably going to be sealed off like the gold and oil in antarctica.